Saturday, March 30, 2019

the clean slate

I plot and plan
the new
basement where a pool
once filled the middle,
and vinyl records once hung
from the walls.
where an old couch leaned
on a broken leg,
where books
and tools
the floor.
where the dog came
to roll
into the carpet with
his muddy ball.
a place where we argued
and slept
when lies were discovered
and vows broken.
when things weren't right,
were they ever?
but it's clean now. all the pain
gone. the stains, the smell,
the debris of that life
hauled out. there is
a fresh new canvas to
work upon. the memories
washed away.
what fun to make new again
what's come undone.
what joy
and rebirth there is in
fresh paint, new
carpet, art, and beauty
to enter once more.

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