Wednesday, December 19, 2018

the house plant

it was a common
house plant. green with leaves.
a stem or two
jutting out and up
always leaning in the direction
of sunlight
which was scarce
from my balcony view.
who gave it to me, I don't
did I purchase it on
a whim,
was it here before I moved
but it grew despite my
general lack of care.
just a water can to pour
into its dry pot, few words
were shared
between us.
I felt for it though.
seeing it
sometimes littered with
a cigarette butt
from a visitor or two.
a chewed piece of gum.
a wrapper. bottle caps,
a button come loose.
such indignities never seemed
to bother her though.
she stayed green.
she stayed true.
such a friend I've never
known before. no one has been
so loyal and kind,
so understanding,
not even you.

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