Friday, December 21, 2018

going electric

i watch a show
at seven in the morning on
the mysterious reappearance of bob
Dylan's electric
guitar circa 1964.
some words he wrote on scraps
of paper
are in the case too.
the skeleton beginnings
of some masterpiece.

they find out it's really is.
the handwriting matches.
the grain in the wood is the same.
there's a picture of him
holding it in his hands.
it's the one he played
at Newport when he
went electric and they were
going to cut the cable with
an axe.

judas they called
him. how dare he
bring such a racket to this
crowd of folkies.

i wished they'd give it back
to him though.
let him strum it one more
time and change the world.
let him plug it in
once again
and tell everyone about
highway 61.

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