Monday, November 26, 2018

let them be together again

I wish I wish
not upon a star or on a coin
tossed into a well,
no I wish
in the form of a sincere
and giving prayer to a much
higher power,
let's call him or her God
for now
and send it there.
I wish for the two
star struck lovers
to be together again,
that they could
reunite and find the joy
they miss so much.
no longer hiding in the shadows
whispering their many pet
names to one another,
no longer
deceiving the ones they're with
with lies and denial.
it is a love like no other.
keeping track of every anniversary,
every moment captured
in a camera, a video, a card
or letter,
a simple napkin with a heart
and their initials inside.
the carved trees, the hearts in
the sand.
how they miss one another and long
to be together.
let them have what they want.
the past can become the future
for them once more.
let the light shine on them
and let no one keep them apart
any longer.
let them be happy and free.
they were meant to be with
one another. a luminescent
light together. a force to behold.
true loves from the moment
they first kissed
so many years ago along
the wooded path. the electricity
of their feelings still
alive inside of them.
such love should not go
unrequited, should not go
without a happy ending.
it would be a tragedy
of Shakespearean proportions
I pray on both knees
and wish that they will
be together again
and live out their lives
in perpetual bliss, this is
my wish for them. my prayer.
my thinking has been all wrong.
but now I see the light,
the truth of what should be.

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