Wednesday, November 14, 2018

the condo board

the condo board
are this Wednesday
and they need a quorum.
I sign the sheet
and mark no
on everything and
they are storm troopers
in the neighborhood.
towing cars,
raising the fees,
grace periods
and fining anyone
they please.
it's the same five
who have nothing
better to do
than make life miserable
for their neighbors.
they run the show.
a club
of egos, an alliance
of witches.
a retired cadre
of old soldiers with pens
and forms.
don't leave your
Christmas lights
on too long. don't park
here, or there.
don't paint your door
a different color,
or hang a flag.
or place a bag of trash
too early on
the curb. you see them
walking around
daring you to break a rule,
waiting just waiting
for you to make
one wrong move.

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