Tuesday, June 26, 2018

the hallway

his job
was to sweep the long hallway
that led to the pool,
mop it,
then wax and buff it.
he wore a grey uniform
with his name
on it.
he smoked and whistled
the whole day.
his hat tilted
over his long face.
it was a good job though.
steady pay.
a weeks vacation after a year.
a raise.
this wasn't jail,
this wasn't prison.
this was halfway.
a paycheck at the end
of two
enough to go home on the late
enough to get up
and do it again.
the green tiled floor
would wait.
how it shined when the door
and the tenants carried
their towels
and chairs to the wide
blue pool
at the end of the hallway.
how it shined.

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