Friday, June 15, 2018

home life 1987

everything seemed so close.
I was almost there.
I could almost
taste it.
feel it, smell the sweet
scent of peace
and love.
the warmth of hand in hand.
everything seemed to
enfold so easily.
so gently it fell into
my lap and I embraced it.
I was coming home.
home to the home I always
and desired
but never had.
I unpacked my bags to stay.
the flowers of home.
the woods and ocean
of home.
the smell of bread
in the oven. the cool crisp
sheets of home.
the windows open,
the dog, the son, the joy.
the loyalty and trust
of home.
a safe harbor from the world.
I pinned the emblem
of home
on my heart before it
broke. it took so long to
begin again, to let another
in. so long.

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