Friday, July 29, 2011


no sparrow
really cares, at
least it seems
from here, is
there joy
or even sadness
in their hearts,
at each worm
or insect
they discover.
do you hear
praise ever leave
their sharpened
beaks at
midnight, or
thanskgiving in
the glossy dew
of morning, not
for my ears,
there is only
the constant
tweet for more.


Anonymous said...

my favorite bird. ironic, isn't it? not being special is what makes it so special; open YOUR heart and ears and listen closely with both. not everything in God's world is blatantly obvious and nor should it be. see how little you know?

Anonymous said...

oh my, thank you for pointing this out and helping me to understand more clearly God's world....i am humbled and grateful for having you point out how little i know...i have always believed that i know everything!