Friday, July 22, 2011

the condo board

your car
will be towed
the red note
says on your
the condo board
has a new president
and now
work vehicles
are not permitted
to park on the court
in our pleasant
tree lined
cul de sac. you
have twenty four
hours to relocate
your truck, or
else it will
be towed to
jimmy's wrecking
lot on the corner
of tenth and vine
the red note
says. and your
dog, it's been
barking loudly
when you aren't
at home, and sometimes
when you are
at home, and we've
seen you put your
trash out before
the sun has set,
and we saw you throw
an apple core
into the woods
the other day.
we've seen you
shake your head
and roll your eyes
at us when we patrol
the grounds with
our clipboard.
you are on notice.
we have you
in our sights.

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