Saturday, May 8, 2010


it's not that i
hate poetry, not
all of it, just
most of it. every
now and again, you
find a piece of
work that awakens
something inside you,
and you connect,
you get it. you
feel what the poet
has tried to convey,
and it sinks in
like the warm sun
on the first day
of spring. there is
hope. but most
of it i disdain. and
writing as i do,
it's blasphemy
to utter such words,
hipocrisy, perhaps,
but i find so much
of it tedious and
boring, reaching
so hard to be
poetic and smart.
clever and so
correct. maybe i do
the same, i hope
the hell not.
i'd hate to have
to stop writing,
but i would if
became one of them.

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