Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the late bill

in haste to get
a check out for
the electricity
before they cut it
off and left me in
total darkness, i
cut myself on
the clean sharp edge
of the bill. it was
a slight flesh
wound. a paper cut
at best, with a trickle
of blood that burned
and stung more than
it should.
i licked it, i put
some kleenex on it
to stop the bleeding,
finally i got a bandaid,
out of the medicine
cabinet, but it still
wouldn't stop. i wrapped
a bath towel around
the tiny wound and
still the blood came,
it was worse, it was
pouring out and i
could feel myself
getting weaker, then
i fell to my knees
into the puddle of blood.
my life was flashing
before me. i lay down,
holding up my arm, trying
to wrap a belt around
my bicep to stop the
flow, but it still
came, i could feel
myself about to faint
as the blood raced
through me when
the overhead
lights flickered
and dimmed before
going out. i could hear
the faint beeping
of clocks and things
throughout the house
as they turned off all
at once from
the lack of electricity.

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