Wednesday, May 12, 2010

naked in the snow

i see you outside
my window, pacing,
and wonder what's up,
what brings you here
in the dead of night,
in the middle of
winter, without a coat,
a hat or scarf, not
even gloves to keep
you warm. you are
naked in the snow,
pacing, your lips
are blue, your pale
skin makes you almost
invisible against
the snow covered hill.
you see me looking
out at you, but you
don't come in, you
don't knock, or make
a move to get out of
the cold. i'm sure it
was something i said,
or did or didn't do.
all of which escapes
me as i sip my hot
chocolate. i pull
up a chair and throw
some wood onto the fire,
i grab a book
and settle in, still
watching you on
the street, shivering
in the cold night air.
i hate when you do
things like this
to upset me.

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