Tuesday, November 11, 2014

the color green

color me happy
she says
cheerfully over
the instant
messaging system
of cyber
space that connects
you with
complete strangers
from all over
the world,
most that you
will never meet
or hear their
voice, or know
what their lips
feel like
when a kiss appears,
color me happy
she says.
and you reply with,
what crayon in
the Crayola box
would you be using
for this happiness.
the color green
she types firmly
in bold letters.
just green.
would that be the green
of a cat's eye,
you reply
or bottle green,
or perhaps the green
of the open
sky when a hurricane
arrives ready
to blow everything
or maybe green
like jealousy,
full or anger and
envy. is it that sort
of green, you mean,
or perhaps
like grass, like all
the grass that lies
between us, cool
to the point of being
blue, almost blue,
like me, sitting here
typing to a complete
stranger who lives
a thousand miles away,
who is you.

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