Thursday, March 7, 2013

it's so nice out

you look out
the window and wish
it was raining.
but it's not.
it's sunny out.
blindingly sunny
with a bright
blue egg sky.
you tell yourself
that you will
take a long
hard walk through
the woods, work
up a sweat, but
it's hard to get out
there. it seems
kind of windy,
and it might be
muddy from the rain
you see a bird
fly up to the window
batting his yellow
wings. you should
go out. it's so
nice. you shouldn't
waste this beautiful
afternoon inside.
you can tell
everyone how you
took advantage of
the day, the weather.
but it's getting
kind of dark
out now. better not.
there was a report
on the news about
marauding gangs of
miscreants. right.
it's almost dark now.
maybe you should just
get a bowl of
ice cream
and stay put.
whew. what's on

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