Wednesday, July 27, 2011


these sandwiches
that you've
made for our
picnic, here
near the river
beneath the shade
of willows, on
the slope where
we can see
the cool blue
sway of water,
stink. what's
in them? egg
salad, are you
kidding me.
how long have
they been in
the car. i swallowed
a little and i
may now have
salmonella and if
i do, my lawyer
will be in contact.
what else is
in that basket?
cookies, please
tell me you put
nuts in them,
i only like them
with nuts.
what about bug
spray, did you
bring some ant
repellant. look
at them marching
towards us. hey,
hey, where are
you going, is that
a gala apple in
your hand that you
are about to
throw at me?

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