Monday, July 4, 2011

boom boom boom

i like the blue
ones you hear
someone say,
and the red
ones too, but
the blue ones
are my favorite.
oh look at that.
did you see that?
and you say yes,
i'm looking
in the same exact
direction that
your are. i saw
that, and the
one before it too.
i'm sweating and my
neck hurts.
someone's dog is
licking my leg.
oh, wow.
those green ones
are nice too,
the way they hang
in the air like
icicles or
something green,
maybe some sort
of plants. are you
grouchy, she says.
oh, look at that,
one right after
the other.
i like when they go
real real fast at
the end, she says,
the climax. boom
boom boom, yes,
me too, i say.
the ending is always
good. are we still
talking about
the fireworks? i ask
her. sort of,
i think so, she
says, giving me a
wink. do you have cold
beer in the fridge
at your house, you
ask. hmmm hmmm, she
says, and pie.
blueberry crumb pie
with little american
flags stuck in it.
vanilla icecream too.
okay, let's go now,
i tell her. let's
beat the traffic.
love the red ones.
ooooh, did you see
that? you missed it.
the best one yet.
it looked exactly
like george washington's
head, or maybe
martha's, hard to
tell in the smoke.
wait for me, she yells.
i can't run in
these flipflops.

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