Friday, February 7, 2025

don't you dare watch that game

she once told me,
at the end
of our tumultuous
one year
that if i watched the big
game this year,
the super bowl, that she
would be packing
her bags and going back
to her elderly felonious
husband, or her married
but why, i asked her.
i've been watching football
since i was a little tyke.
she stood there with her hands
on her hips,
fire in her eyes,
because the cheerleaders
are wearing skimpy
outfits, and the commercials
are full of sexual innuendos.
and i know you like
looking at young sexy women
bouncing around doing
jumping jacks and cartwheels.
so, i'm warning you.
if that tv goes on at 630
on Sunday, i'm out of here.
okay, i told her, say hi to gramps,
or captain kangaroo,
the married guy,
then i put the beer in the fridge, 
getting it nice and cold
for kick off in two days.

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