Wednesday, October 26, 2022

whose book is this?

i can't remember who 
lent me
this book.
it's been sitting on the kitchen
counter for six years now.
never read.
partially skimmed
and then a glance at
the blurb in back,
and the slight bio of the author.
it's a hardback copy.
i feel odd about putting
it on the shelf with others,
ones that i've read.
i don't know why
i never sat down and read it.
maybe it was the person
who gave it to me,
he or she, i can't remember.
did i like them.
we're we in love.
was i bored with them,
were they bored with me.
did things end badly?
perhaps. they often do.
the book is still here, though.
for what, i wish i knew.

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