Thursday, July 21, 2022

the long walk at night

the dog,
knowing the route
of our walk
is way ahead
of me.
he's off the leash.
he looks back
to see where i am.
slow in the shadows.
i trust him,
he trusts me.
we're good like
finding such love
is not easy.

1 comment:

Di said...

Later in life
the key to a perfect love
is one that involves
an animal, where you forgive
any transgressions: the jumping
up on the kitchen window sill, knocking over
the small vase of flowers from your garden: the wilting purple
phlox, the daisies that have curled, the lone single
pink rose. You don't get angry, shout at
the carelessness. Instead you envision
cut paws, the kittens entangled in the blinds. You will
come home to chaos, mayhem. But, you, your love
is unconditional. Much better, more appreciated
than youth.