Thursday, November 18, 2021

the best xmas card

i look at my dwindling
box of
christmas cards.
it started with a hundred.
the bulk box.
everyone getting the same
the tree, the gifts beneath it,
the lights.
the fireplace, the dog looking
up the chimney where
the stockings hang.
dad, mom, son,
i sign them and send them
and then i look at the card
the exxon station
gave me last year.
a picture of baby Jesus
in a manger on the front.
signed by all the greasy mechanics
the guy who inspects
my car,
the oil change guy.
the girl at the counter.
with love and affection,
it reads.
have a warm and safe christmas.
we appreciate your business.
happy holidays.
don't forget, in january,
your emission test is due.

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