Monday, May 10, 2021

two hour maximum visit

i like it when people visit.
or relatives,
lovers. giving them the sweet
parking spot right out front,
but after awhile, 
and there's nothing left to say,
i want them to leave.
it's hard to say go though
after they
drove all this way
and made themselves
sometimes they even take their shoes off.
you give them food and drink,
you get them
an extra pillow.
a few have even brought
you a dessert
in a little container of tupperware
that one day
you'll have to wash out,
put something in it, and return.
you tell them where the bathroom
is, top off their drinks, 
but after about two hours,
you're exhausted
and stare longingly 
for the front door
to open and have them march out.
i understand my father
completely now.

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