Sunday, June 7, 2020

your music

each to his own
of thinking.

to his own opinion.
don't follow the crowd,

the marching masses.

for the crowd is often wrong.
don't listen to the pundits

the newsman,
the preacher, the lawyers.

stay away from the learned,
those that

wave a book or a bible
above them.

preaching madly.

don't listen, don't drink
the water of those with fake

tears, fake morals
and no compassion.

look within
that's where the answers

march alone if you have to.
your music

is to be followed, not theirs.

1 comment:

Di said...

Amen, brother.
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Kneel for no one. Except maybe God when you are praying if that works for you.