Tuesday, June 30, 2020

facebook update

you stop by

your old facebook profile to see
if anyone is baking

any cakes,
or if their kids are on the honor roll.

there's a few new
cat videos and one with a racoon

going through a bag of trash.

lots of memes about the riots,

the virus.
and look there's an old face
in the crowd.

a ghost from the past.
same picture from fifteen years

the indian vest. the long hair.
the fright mask.

but it beats the old photo shopped

air brushed to the nth degree.
nobody at sixty
should try to look 23.

delete and block, I mean are we
really friends?

some people never change.
I scroll
and scroll and scroll.

I should post something on there.
but what?

I just scrambled some eggs, that'll
have to do for now.

oh, and there's a worm on the sidewalk.

click and post.
I need to find some more new friends

i'm lagging behind.

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