Wednesday, September 19, 2018

give me what i want God

what good is
prayer, if it won't get me
what I want.
if I can't
have the winning ticket.
the car, the beach house
with a pool,
the vacation to the south
of France, a few publications
with stellar
what gives
dear Lord, I've been so
good for so long, well
lately at least.
okay, today.
I was on my knees,
hands folded
for nearly three minutes
this morning.
and sometimes before I
drift off to sleep
I offer up a Hail Mary or two.
I even put five dollars
in the second collection basket
which I don't
normally do.
(I like to get coffee after
the service.)
i'm just wondering what
more do I need to do
to have things go my way, to
get on your good side. I know
you have one,
or so they say.
you've had my list
for some time now.
I know you're very busy,
but who isn't?
i'm waiting patiently.
oh, and I do thank you for
helping me find
my keys the other day.

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