Wednesday, April 18, 2018

an angel appears

an angel appears
out of nowhere. she or he,
it's hard to tell
with angels,
sits down beside me.
what's the matter he says.
I see his wings,
white as white can be
folded behind him.
his hand is gentle
on my shoulder.
the other hand takes mine.
what's wrong, he says.
tell me why are you suffering
but you know, I tell him.
you know or you wouldn't
be here.
so true, he says. so true.
close your eyes.
now breathe. quiet your thoughts.
now listen to these
words I've been sent to tell
trust in the God
that made you.
all of this darkness,
all of this sorrow
and anxiety,
all of this worry will pass.
trust me. your suffering
is to bring you
to your knees,
and when you're ready
to let go
of all these things
and surrender to me,
happiness and contentment
will arrive,
they're closer than you
ever could believe.

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