Saturday, December 18, 2010

the weathergirl

she points
at the map
of you, and
says. good
morning, grumpy
with a chance
of sadness by
noon. unless
there is a
bump of coffee
really quick,
like soon.
and then, a
wave of hunger
will hit,
and you will
be overwhelmed
with the direction
or your life,
or lack of, until
you make it to
paneras for a
sandwich and a nice
hot bowl of soup.
things will get
better from there,
but a front of
sleepiness will
arrive later that
and it's best to
stay in, stay
warm and go
into a darkened
room. in twenty
minutes though
you will arise
and be checking
your phone for
news. the sun
is going down,
it's slippery and
wet out there, she
says, dress warmly,
be careful with
what you do.

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