Thursday, August 25, 2011

that's the story

there is no
such thing as
santa claus
your mother tells
you on the phone
during your sunday
call. this comes
out of nowhere.
she has been
slowly losing
her mind for
sometime now.
there is no easter
bunny, she continues,
there is no pot
of gold at the end
of any rainbow. no
tooth fairy, or
wishes that will
come true when
you find a shooting
star or blow
out your birthday
there is no
magic wand, no
angels coming
to save you
gathered on
the head of a pin.
there's no bad
luck, there is
no good luck,
so straighten
up sonny boy.
there's hard
work, and maybe
a long life
followed by death.
that's it, that's
the whole story.

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