Sunday, May 8, 2011

identity theft

i found the person
who stole my
identity last week.
he was in a
bar, siting alone
waiting for his
date to arrive. he
was drinking an
apple martini,
texting someone
else on his phone,
well my phone,
actually, he had
a splash of grey
flannel on his
cheeks, wearing
blue jeans
and a starched
white shirt. and
he looked up
recognizing me
by the id in his
wallet and shook
his head. how
do you do this
all the time, he
asked. i'm running
out of steam
being you. your
mother keeps
calling, your
kid wants more
money, and your
customers are never
ever happy and
always want things
done on the cheap.
i looked at him
and laughed. sorry.
i don't know you, i
said and grabbed
a beer and left.

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