Wednesday, June 9, 2010

you are getting sleepy very sleepy

i've been practicing
my hypnotic skills
these days on norma.
she doesn't even realize
that she's clucking
like a chicken, or
barking like a dog,
but everyone else does.
it's lots of fun, well,
for me, not so much
for her. when i snap
my fingers three times
and she comes out of
it she is often on top
of a table gnawing on
a pork chop, or under
the bed trying to claw
her way out of an imaginary
hen house. i know i'm
going to hell for doing
this to her, but she
should have seen it
coming when she met
me and i told her that
i was a magician. instead
she was impressed and
offered herself up
to my hypnotic whims.
oh well.

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