Tuesday, June 1, 2010

some words i've never heard

you'll catch cold,
here, be a good
boy, put this on,
wrap this scarf
around you.
where's your hat,
your gloves,
did you do your
homework, don't
forget your lunch,
milk money, it's
on the table.
did you take the
dog out, comb
your hair, you
can't go to school
like that. did you
brush your teeth.
wait for your sister,
hold her hand
when you cross
the street, hurry
now, don't be
late. be a good
boy. behave.
don't fight. watch
out for cars, don't
talk to strangers.
listen to your
teachers, come
straight home. be
a good boy. dinner
is at six. we'll
all eat together
when your father
gets home from work.

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