Wednesday, June 23, 2010

spam, not on the list

my grocery list
consists of mostly
what i'll eat
tonight, or tomorrow.
but if you decide to
come over and spend
the night.
i'll throw in eggs
and bacon, potatoes.
i know how
important bacon is
to you at this stage
of your life. you
can't get enough
nitrates, i always
say. but the list
is weak. some milk,
some butter and
bread, popcorn, two
apples and a slab
of a hanger steak
to marinate,
peanut butter, a
bag of cookies for
those late night snacks.
there's not much
to get, but i like
walking around
the store with
my cart, listening
to the pleasant music,
looking at other
people's cart, seeing
what culinary delights
they are indulging in.
i'll pick things up
and put them back
onto the shelf.
sometimes i'll buy
things that i'll never
cook or eat in a hundred
years. like corn bread
or beets in a jar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the single servings of Spam in the foil packets? Just curious.