Wednesday, November 25, 2015

a non-profit company

so explain to me exactly what
you do everyday, I ask my friend Lola
as we sit at a coffee shop
shooting the breeze.
I work for a non profit company, she says.
I love it. I love my work.
I am sooo so lucky.
okay. I say. and....what do you do?
I do work for them.
like what? like conversing on
the phone, talking to clients.
sending e mails and text messages.
we use twitter now too.
and? well,
we have meetings and strategize
about what we are going to do
next. do next about what?
about whatever we're doing
that particular week or month.
our goals are quite clear.
we're a green company too, did I tell
you that?
and you get paid for this. yes.
everyone has a salary.
but it's a non profit? right.
the company doesn't make any money.
the money goes to our offices,
the expenses
and the employees.
for doing what?
I just told you. we organize
and plan events, network with
other non profits. we have
several ongoing think tanks
with some very smart people.
sometimes we'll hold banquets
or destination meetings to gather
and disseminate information
what we've learned.
to where. somewhere nice,
the islands, or vegas. places
like that. people get more done
when they are relaxed.
and when you get
there, you do what? well, that's
the fun part.
we talk about our plans for
the new year, how we can perform
better, increase our productivity
and make our company grow even larger.
but, doing what?
what does your company do?
oh, you just don't get it do you?

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