Monday, September 14, 2015

the visit

you take your mother
for a walk, her in her
wheel chair,
you pushing
from behind.
where to you ask her.
leaning over
to see which
way her eyes point.
over there.
I want to see those
in that yard.
so there you go.
up the street, farther,
she says,
after reviewing
the daffodils,
to the end where
the road stops, she
says, pointing.
so you wheel her there,
to the stop sign.
okay. you tell her.
let's go back now.
she starts to cry.
I don't want to go back,
she says.
let's go around again.
a few more times.
can I see the flowers again?
she's a good crier.
you tip the chair back
and put on some speed.
slow, she says. slow down
you're going to fast.
are you trying to kill me?
i'm your mother don't you
want to stay

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