Friday, June 26, 2015

the body shop

they're giving out
new hips
and knee caps
down the block.
tendons, and metal
for the heads
that need them.
it's a body shop.
all sizes, all ages.
hearts and livers,
kidneys, first come
first serve.
take a number,
have a seat, put
your feet up
and get your paperwork
ready. we can sand
off those worry lines,
fatten up those lips,
we can shave off those
unsightly blemishes,
narrow the focus
of your vision,
lop off a few pounds
the waist.
have you every thought
of having that turkey
neck taken
care of. well here's
the place.
take a number, have
a seat, we'll be with
you before the sun
goes down.

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