Monday, August 18, 2014

the spitting poem

you find it
strange when women
spit. we
men do it all
the time. while
playing sports,
just walking around,
strolling the beach,
or street. when
standing on a balcony
becomes a contest.
men feel the necessity
to spit. it's some
sort of primitive
instinct passed
down through the eons.
we need to spit,
to find
a curb, a gutter,
a barrel
a sink, or
a urinal.
we just need
to get that extra
saliva out
of our mouths
and into the world.
it's very disgusting.
in fact,
just writing about
it makes me
cringe, but I'm happy
that women rarely
thank you women,
you non spitters,
and I'm sorry
you had to read
this poem about

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