Sunday, August 17, 2014

saturday pancakes

when you were
you were forced
by your wife
at sexual gun point
to join her church.
so you did.
you stood in front
of the congregation
and accepted
the key to the front
door of the church.
it may have been
a symbolic key,
you were never sure,
having not tried to slip
it in and turn
the lock.
the church wanted
you to volunteer.
to sign a sheet a
paper making a commitment
to do things
like make pancakes
at seven o'clock
on a Saturday
morning. to run
a donation bag,
called a saddle bag,
from door to door
all over town.
pestering the flock
for more money.
they wanted you to
paint the church.
wash cars.
sing in the choir.
play softball.
things did not go
well with you and
the church, or you
and her.
both being demanding
and you not liking
pancakes whatsoever.

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