Friday, April 11, 2014

yoga pants

you were sitting out
in the sun today,
on a park bench with
your friend jimmy.
it was lunch break
and everyone and his
sister was out there
walking about
eating egg salad
sandwiches and carrots.
because we were both
on diets, we split
a granola bar
and had a bottle
of water. but we
were distracted
from our usual
reminiscing. so tell
me, jimmy said,
what's your take on
yoga pants? what do
you mean. you know
he says, look around,
yoga pants. like that
woman who just
walked by and
that one over there
jogging, and that
one talking on her
phone and that one.
pushing that stroller.
ooh, look, she's wearing
a red pair. like
a superhero. i like
the red ones. all
the women are wearing
them these days, no
matter what shape
they are in. so what
do you think, he asks,
as you both gaze
around the park at
all the women wearing
yoga pants. you take
a nibble of your granola
bar. I think I may have
an unhealthy love
for them, you finally
say, staring
at a woman standing
on her head against
an oak tree.
it's a good time
to be alive, jimmy.
amen brother.

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