Saturday, September 25, 2010

dream cake

i wanted a cake
and yet i had nothing
to mix it in. i had
no bowl, no wooden
spoon with which to
stir, or salt, or
measuring cup. i had
no eggs, or sugar.
i had nothing and yet
still i wanted
to bake myself a cake.
so i went from door
to door with my
list and explained to
my neighbors my
dilema. they were
preplexed, as you
might think, but they
all chipped in, and
now the cake is in
the oven baking at
350 degrees, and i
have ten more minutes
before taking it out
to cool on the counter
and then lather icing
on it. and when it's
done, i'll slice it
neatly and as i
return everyone's
things, i'll bring
each of them a slice
for helping me with
me dream.

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