Thursday, April 24, 2014

easy rider

this scar here, above
my knee, was
when I hit an oil
slick on the beltway
she says, flexing
her leg, pointing
at the imbedded worm
like scar above
her red knee cap.
I went under a guard
rail and rolled
down an embankment.
this scar over here,
she says, lifting
up her sleeve, is
when a car didn't
see me and hit me
broadside. I went
flying over her car
and landed on
the back window
the glass. they had
to take out the shards
with tweezers.
oh, and this scar
here, above my eyebrow
is when a bird hit
me in the face.
right under the lip
of my helmet. but I
love to ride. just
love it. hop on back
and let's go for a spin.

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