Sunday, March 19, 2023

eat this then take this pill

not one
for conspiracies, and yet.
it seems
like doctors
are in on it.
the obesity, the pills,
the statins,
diabetes running wild.
the medical industry seems
to be in cahoots
with General Mills,
and Domino sugar,
little Debbie cakes and
Haagen Daz.
the sicker and fatter
we get
the more pills they
you see children at the bus
little sacks of sugar
with chubby cheeks,
and arms like flippers.
the world has grown fat
with bread
and sugar.
sodas and cereals,
chips and crackers.
snacks and
nutrient less crap.
and no one seems care,
as the addiction
goes on and money is made
as prescriptions
are filled.
the pills are

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