Tuesday, February 26, 2019

i hate face book

it's official.
I hate face book. the social media
in general.
you tube, myspace,
your space,
snap chat and the rest.
don't send me any more of
your cake
photos please, or tell
me where you've
been or what you're doing, or
and with whom.
that new house, or car,
or tan you got on some island
bores me to tears.
I don't want to know about who
died, or is dying.
don't tell me your medical condition,
or post a photo of your rash,
or lump,
or eye that's gone awry,
or new pair of shoes.
I don't want to attend another
reunion, or connect
with long lost relatives
or friends.
i'm perfectly content with
those I have, or don't have.
your dog or cat or grandbaby
is not
interesting to me, nor
are your political
or religious views.
spare me the gossip of
your life.
sorry, so sorry,
but please delete me,
don't tag me, or like me.
just go away and leave me alone.
it's official,
I hate face book and all that
it entails. if we're really
friends, meet me
for coffee, or lunch,
or call me on the phone.

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