Wednesday, May 10, 2017

the rental

what if I just want
this one
wall painted, half way
how much would that be?
or can I touch
it up myself
with the same paint?
just dab it.
the can is rusted,
about ten years old and
I can't get it
open, but maybe
you have a trick of
the trade to do it.
it's just a rental,
and we don't really care
about these people,
but we want top dollar.
should we
dim the lights
and open the windows
to get the smell out?
I think they had a goat.
oh, and do you have anything
on your
truck to get out
that blood stain
in the rug?
it drips up the stairs.
we've heard the baking
in the oven
will give the house
a pleasant smell.
maybe set out a bouquet
of flowers?

1 comment:

Dianne C. said...

LOL... I'm sure you could write a book with the questions and comments from the past 25 yrs.