Wednesday, April 10, 2013

group therapy

you go into group
to get some feed
back on your issues
with serial dating
as recommended
by your therapist,
doctor Jane Woodall,
not the monkey one,
but someone else.
as expected,
you hate almost
everyone in the room.
they make you
sit in a large circle
in wooden chairs,
then when it's your
turn to speak
you stand up,
give your name
and a brief history
of your misery
and woes. some take
longer than others
even though
their problems
seem quite lame
and trivial compared
to yours. pffft, come on.
get over yourself,
you want to shout out
but don't. amazingly
you stick with it
and hide how you
despise everyone,
tapping your foot
and biting your nails
down to their
bloody nubs.
everyone seems to have
a serious problem
with their mothers.
some their fathers.
others are just complete
lunatics with
no chance of leading
a normal life.
those are the people
you actually like
and can relate to.
you see an attractive
woman across the circle
from you, she's wearing
a pair of black
high heels, she stands
up when it's her turn
and says she has a problem
with making bad decisions
with men. you give
her a smile and a big
wink when she sits down
then motion
to your watch and
make a drinking motion
with your hand,
like Koko the gorilla,
mouthing the word,
LATER. she smiles back
and nods yes.
this could be good
after all.

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