Monday, July 1, 2013

the job interview

where do you
want to be in five
years, the interviewer
says to you, as
you sit across
the desk from him.
i'd like to be in
an exclusive
relationship with
Elizabeth Hurley,
you tell him,
straight faced.
he looks at you
and writes something
down. so what are your
salary requirements,
he asks. not missing
a beat.
you tell him that
you'd liked to be
paid in cash at
the end of every week.
small bills placed
into a brown bag.
hmmm, he says.
making a small note
of that.
and what do you feel
like you will bring
to this company,
what skills do you
have to help this
company grow and
become more profitable.
I can't tell you that
right now, you
say, staring out
the window towards a
set of new trees
that line the acres
of freshly paved
parking lots. but I
do have a question
for you.
do these windows open
you ask him? why, he
says. well, I liked to
be able to leap out
of one if this job
doesn't work out.

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