Thursday, February 25, 2021

what's the rush

i wake up and wonder
what should i do with my life.
ignoring the fact that my
life is well past half over.
it's a mid life crisis,
but only if i live to be
a hundred and forty.
what new job could i do.
where should i move.
should i lose weight,
gain weight, get a toupee.
should i buy something
shiny and new. maybe
grow a beard, or one
of those fancy mustaches.
get a new girlfriend
who reminds me of you.
maybe a dog. maybe a cat.
what about a garden
in the back yard.
or a hike to california
and back. take a night class.
a morning class.
take a class online.
study to be a doctor
or a lawyer, a chef, or
a detective.  yes. i say.
why not. there's still time
to do all that.  but first i'll
lie here for a while, i feel
a nap coming on.
what's the rush?

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