Monday, February 22, 2021

she wants a full time man

she wants a full time man.
not a part time lover.
a texter,
a once in a while thing,
or fling.
or whatever it's called these
a booty call?
she wants more. the diamond
the name change. she wants
to hear the words, i do.
not maybe. she wants
a shared home.
she wants 24/7.
she wants you to meet
her family, walk her dog.
leave your shoes under her bed.
she wants to cook and clean
make hearts in the sand.
she wants what so many want.
she wants the 1950's
to come around again.
a pot stew on the stove.
the black and white television.
the radio telling us a baseball
score. she wants the christmas
tree, a plate of cookies.
colored lights on the house.
she wants a family.
but all of it just makes
you flee.

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