Thursday, October 4, 2018

so happy i could burst

the holidays
look like fun this year.
there is so much love
and understanding going around.
my hair stands on end
with excitement.
I've already picked out
a pumpkin to carve.
I have a new wreathe
to hang on the door.
I've purchased rolls and rolls
of silver wrapping paper
for the gifts i'll buy
for loved ones.
there are so many to give
to. but that's okay.
I like to give.
i'm a giver by nature.
I've unraveled the strings
of colored lights, taken
the tree out of the attic.
the ladder is out of the shed.
the stockings are hung
by the faux fireplace.
I've bought dozens of cards
from hallmark and have drawn
hearts with arrows through
each for all my special loved
there's a pumpkin pie
in the oven. a turkey
in the freezer. I can't wait
to make a pot of gravy.
i'm excited and full of joy
for this upcoming season.
i'm so happy I could burst.

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