Monday, October 22, 2018

i need a parade

I miss the city.
the iron of it. the steel
off battery park.
the up of it all.
the cacophony of horns,
the swarms
of yellow cabs,
tourists from texas,
and france,
bundled trying to stay
the cart of chestnuts.
the faux watches
and chains, pictures
of the empire state building
framed and wrapped
ready to go. fools gold.
the insanity
of times square.
the sailors, the soldiers.
the broadway lights,
the tarnished glare
of it all.
never quite the same,
never different.
from the Hudson to the village,
to Washington
square the thunder
of the subway deep below. the
of cops. Chinatown and pizza.
a cross town bus will take
you there.
littly Italy.
St. Patrick's,
central park, the zoo.
The Met.
fifth avenue. I miss
the city, I need a fix.
I need a parade,
and soon.

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