Monday, July 30, 2018

it's up here

it must have been up here,
up this wobbled ladder
that creaks
beneath my weight,
in this
webbed attic,

with rotted wood
and scattered bones
of small animals,
birds left
to be unfound.
it's up
that you find the grey satchel
thread bare,

an empty bottle
of red wine,
a flask
of bourbon drained dry.

a slew of letters,
post cards saying wish
you were here,
now and into eternity,

it's up here where you find
her silk scarf too,
golden in shine, holding
the scent of her perfume,

it's up here
that he held it to his cheek
and remembered how it once
around her neck
and fell to her side.

up here where he must
have gone
when the wife was angry,
when the world
inside the house
was wrecked in storm.
up here

where he found a place
to go
and remember what could have
what should have been
so long so long

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