Saturday, May 21, 2016

a cafe in Rome

you meet her in a café
near the ruins
in Rome.
she's wearing dark sunglass
against her pale
she looks like she's been
sitting there for eons.
dressed in black,
a coliseum cat
in the shade, sitting
in the same chair
drinking the same drink.
crossing those same
fancy meeting you here,
she says, sipping
from a straw. you can almost
hear the lions roar,
the Christians dying,
their futile prayers,
broad swords clashing against
one another.
we should just fall in love,
she says,
and end this. all of this
history tells us something,
doesn't it?
perhaps, you tell her.

1 comment:

sparrow said...

Let's change history and climb out of the boxes we've been living in for way too long. Cash in those CD's, clean out the account your parents built for you and throw caution to the wind. Let's travel the Cinque de Terre, eat and drink our way through the Italian countryside where tourists need not apply. I give. No argument from me.